One of the many shots from the wedding day.
After the ceremony we shot a bunch of photos, then all went out to a nice dinner at a restaurant overlooking the city and the ocean.
Sunday I rose early for my typical sunrise walk/shoot. Sky was not quite as nice as Saturday morning, but not too bad. Walked down to the main beach in town and found a nice spot on the beach to shoot.

This was a nice spot, until it started to rain on me, had to take shelter under a rock overhang for a bit to let the rain move through.
Sunday we spent most of the day bumming around town, doing a little shopping. There is a hike up in the mountains called the Path of the Gods. We had wanted to do this, and the only day that was looking possible was Monday. Unfortunately, the weather looked like rain for most of the day, so we were trying to figure out what to do. We had decided we were going to do it anyway at some point in the day. The hike is suppose to start in a town not too far away and conclude near Positano. We decided to go get some food to take along the next day with us. We went down the 200 stairs to the road and started towards the market when Jake had the epiphany that the weather is beautiful right now, and if we left right now we might make it up high enough for a good sunset. We decided to try it, not knowing if we would even make it to the start of the trail in time. It was about 5:30, we raced back to the apartment and packed up our things, went back down, got some food, and we were off by 6pm. We moved at a very fast pace and somehow found the entrance to the trail by 6:30 pm, we had covered alot of ground in only half an hour.
The main reason why most people use Positano as the end point for the trail is the 2000 or so stairs down to the road into the city. For us, this would be the starting point. 2000 stairs up a mountain...hmm, this sounds familiar, stairs seem to be the theme of my travels this year, first the Inca Trail, now Positano. At least here its not all above 11,000 feet, and I don't have a hiking pack full of gear. We made it up the 2000 stairs in about an hour and arrived in the little town of Nocelle. The views from here were spectacular. We proceeded trough the town and continued on the trail for a bit to scout out a place for sunset. We found a couple of possibilities, snagged a few shots, ran like crazy up and down the trail, but in the end the view from a terrace in Novelle was the best option. We raced back down to the terrace and set up for sunset.

A shot from the path beyond Novelle

Sunset from Novelle.
After sunset we headed back down the 2000 steps and back to Positano. Walking through the streets we noticed the moon rising over the city. Fortunately we were in a good spot, and I tried to get a few quick shots off before it was too high to shoot with the town.

We got back from the hike around 10pm, ate a delicious home made dinner then went to bed. A long, but excellent day.
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